Montalin Capsule online in Pakistan
Montalin Capsule online in Pakistan
Montalin herbal capsules are made of herbal ingredients in such manner so as to produce a very potent herbal capsules to overcome the interference in our body, especially the part related to the veins of the body. It helps overcome body ache, muscle pains, gout, rheuma and various types of other similar diseases.
1- Helps overcome and cure gout and rheumatic.
2- Helps overcome swollen feet swollen.
3- Helps to destroy blood clots and lowers cholesterol.
4- Helps to stabilize the body's hormones.
5- Helps lower cholesterol.
6- Helps to treat fever and bronchitis.
7- Boost stamina and Endurance
1- Centella Asiatica Extract ........................ 35%
2- Extract Glaziosa Superbal ..................... 25%
3- Extract Minosa Pudical .......................... 15%
4- Extract Phyliantnus Urinalialinn ............. 10%
5- Extract Sonchus Arvesisi ...................... 10%
6- Other Herbal Extracts its .......................... 100%
Chronic Treatment:
2 times a day, 2 capsules
Mild Treatment/Prevention:
2 times a day, 1 capsule
Health Maintenance:
Once a day for 3-5 days
PACKAGING: 1 Box contents 10 sachets @ 4 capsules
To further accelerate the treatment should also avoid foods such as nuts (peanuts, soybeans, etc), meat organs, pumpkin seeds. As we all know, any form of disease is largely derived from the food we consumed so it would be helpful adjusting one's diet in order to quickly recover and maintain a health body.
Important Notes:
Avoid foods such as nuts, offal, squash and a shortage of drinking coffee and rokok.supaya disease that you suffer a speedy recovery.These herbs do not have the number, the Food & Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), because it contains elements of chemicals, drugs, (dexamethasone, enilbutason, and paracetamol) about 20% ...... but very efficacious for the disease you are suffering so will speedy recovery .. therefore must be considered the rules of use !!!!!
1. Treatment of chronic, drink 2x a day (2 capsules)
2. Treatment of mild, drink 3 times a day (1 capsule)
3. Prevention: drink 1 time a day (1 capsule, Regular consumption every day until 1box (40 capsules),
4. Maintain a healthy, drink 1 time in 3 days (1 capsule)
5. Reproduction of this herbal drink, for patients with renal and hepatic impairment
6. In the event of allergic symptoms such as: scourge of breath, itchy rash, and dizziness after taking capsules of this, please stopped, Montalin Capsule because these herbs are not suitable, the possibility of drug allergy, although efficacious against the disease that you are suffering.
7. If already drink more than 1box, but also no change in the disease you are suffering, please drink herbal halted .... !!!
8. There should not consume these herbs, in large numbers / redundant, maximal 20 boxes, for chronic. and maximal 10 boxes for prevention. If the redundant later would lead to kidney failure and liver disorders
9. Do not take herbal capsules fake / imitation and consultation with the parties selling
Price in Pakistan 4000/PKR
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Price in Pakistan 4000/PKR
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